Providing musical entertainment in the Vale of Glamorgan for over 50 years
Come and be part of the group
Joining CAOS
If you have ever found yourself singing along to some music and struggled to keep in tune, it is more than likely that the song is not quite right for your voice. This is where choral singing can come to your rescue; you may not always be singing the tune but you will be singing a harmony that will match your voice type.

We utilise four main voice types in our choir, Soprano (high voice female), Alto (low voice female), Tenor (high voice male) and Bass (low voice male). It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure which voice part you are when you arrive at choir – just ask the musical director who will help you find somewhere comfortable. Don’t be afraid to move sections if you find notes are too high or low for you to reach and remember that things will get easier the more you sing.
You do not need to be able to read music. Many of our members don’t understand the deformed tadpole shaped scribblings on the music score and they learn by listening and repetition with the aid of a piano to support the learning process. You do not have to sing on your own, unless of course you wish to do so. There are opportunities for soloists, duets and lead singers in choral pieces if you are confident enough.
We are always very welcoming to new members, whatever their level of expertise or lack of experience.

Full membership costs are currently set at £66 per year (concessions are available for students and pensioners) which goes towards the hire of the rehearsal venues, supply of music scores to members, professional body memberships, insurance costs, and the musical director and accompanist fees.
Think you might be interested
Why not come along to one of our rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in the Community Centre, Glyndwr Avenue, St Athan, CF62 4PP.
Alternatively, you can get more information by contacting our membership secretary Jo Teague at JTeague@caosmusicalsociety.co.uk